

Gain insights, make decisions

By means of digital camera technology, data processing and sketches, we analyse the condition of your structure and define the work strategy to be implemented.
Through expert consultation and the general overview, the decision making process becomes an easier step. 
In addition, we can also support you with follow-up calculations at any stage of the construction project, as well as with performing installations or small repairs.


From the documentation process to the rehabilitation concept
  • Assessment of the building through rope-assisted and climbing techniques and positioning systems (SZP).
  • Shaft inspections
  • Core drilling and extractions
  • State-of-the-art technology: high-resolution images (photo and video) and real-time image transmissions of the location (evaluated directly by the customer or authorized service provider).
  • Creation of written documentation, including illustration imaging, diagrams and damage mapping.
  • Creation of audit plans for the existing structures, such as for the technical building equipment (TBE) and fire protection.
  • Development of professional rehabilitation concepts in collaboration with architects, civil engineers, and curators of monuments.
  • Definition of all necessary rehabilitation work.

Practical example

Reichstag Presidential Palace, Berlin

The building was designed by the architect Paul Wallot and built in between 1899 and 1904 in close proximity to the Reichsttag building and directly at the Spree river. 
Located at the Friedrich-Ebert-Platz in Berlin and today under historical monument protection, it is the current seat of the German Parliament (Deutschen Parlamentarischen Gesellschaft (DPG)).

Client: Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR)).
Documentation / inventory control - Reichstag Presidential Palace.